Humanity Stuck In a Loop. Here’s Why

You look at what’s happening in the world and look at history. It seems nothing has really changed, and that history is repeating itself all the time. Poverty, homelessness, crime, war, human suffering in general. Our history is full of those things and we can’t seem to escape it. It’s like we’re “stuck in a loop” so to speak.

Throughout my research I’ve been able to identify 3 primary reasons why we’ve been unable to break free of this endless cycle of torture. The first is uneven wealth availability for everyone. [Side note: Wealth doesn’t necessarily mean money. Wealth is anything you or collective humanity finds valuable. Things like food, water, shelter, clothing, electricity, oil and gas, earth minerals, antique collections, things people work towards can be considered wealth].

The second is humanity’s lack of understanding of the Golden Rule and the Laws of Cause and Effect (or Natural Law). The third is humanity’s constant violation of Natural Law, especially the Laws of Free Will.

There’s a classical Taoist principle of allowing people to grow and evolve on their own time, in their own pace (letting nature run its course so to speak). Instead of doing exactly that, we are constantly trying to control and manipulate people’s mindsets and actions. Alot of people are arrogant enough to believe that they know more about what is right and wrong than they actually do. Every major institution on Earth is guilty of this, especially government, organized religion, the media, the education system, the health system, and of course alot of parents and caretakers. Sure you want to give people direction, such as explaining why certain things and actions are harmful and what the better alternatives and course of actions are, however you don’t shove this down people’s throats.

It’s like growing a plant. You let the plant do its thing without you forcing it to grow. If you try to force the plant to grow faster you risk destroying it before it can even blossom. Human growth works the same way, and it’s our constant interference in people’s lives that’s creating all these chaotic events that we fear so much. Give people directions but let them discover, on their own time, where they want to go in life. This is what I meant when I said we’re violating the Laws of Free Will.

Newton’s Third Law: For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. Trying to manipulate people into things that aren’t natural for them will create undesired responses and scenarios in your personal life, as well as society as a whole. Again Natural Law, and Cause and Effect. Don’t do onto others what you don’t want done onto you. That simple.

Control freaks are the single biggest terrorists in human history

Uneven Wealth Availability

There’s also the problem of uneven wealth availability. We’ve set up a system where only SOME PEOPLE can be “successful and wealthy”. Again this goes back to what I said about Free Will. Every individual is different. They have different skillsets, abilities, and interests. Not everyone can thrive in a rigid, 9 to 5, one size fits all system; and we’re forcing this system upon everyone. This is the reason for all the poverty and homelessness. Something to keep in mind is that street gangsters, violent extremists, and terrorists all grew up in an impoverished environment.

Not everyone is meant to work corporate jobs, or service jobs, or thrive in post-secondary education systems, etc etc. Not everyone is going to have the endurance to do 9 to 5 jobs either, and we should learn to respect this. So-called “Lazy people” are only that way because they (rightfully so) rejected people’s attempts to force them into something they weren’t meant for (especially when they were children), while at the same time not being given the time they needed to discover their true passions and abilities (the time needed will be different for everyone; all the more reason not to force things).

This uneven wealth availability creates a hoarding mentality, which then creates greed and corruption. Which then creates a system where insteading of cooperating with each other for wealth we’re competing with each other for wealth. This is why we have wars. Why we have crime. Universally there’s enough wealth for everyone, the problems lies in restricting availability of wealth to those who can jump through certain hoops that not everyone is meant to jump through.

The video below shows it’s possible to have a functioning society where people only work a few hours at a time.

“Putting value on a status will cause people to compete. Hoarding treasure will turn them into thieves.” — Lao Tzu, Verse 3 of the Tao Te Ching.

New World Order” or “Communist” Takeover

Organizations like the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the UN, the Rothchild Banking Dynasty, the Zionist Lobby. Individuals like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg; these people are NOT the problem. They are only CONTRIBUTORS to the problem. They are not THE problem. This whole New World Order takeover, what some people are calling a “communist takeover”, it isn’t happening. It ALREADY HAPPENED! Past tense. This takeover that people fear so much ALREADY HAPPENED! That battle was fought and lost long before any of us were born.

That “One World Government” was here all along. They’re private international bankers and whatever entities they’re being controlled by. And that “One World Currency” is also here, it’s called the US Dollar (or Petro Dollar). Oil/Energy transactions worldwide is done in US Dollars. The IMF, the World Bank, the SWIFT system, all use US Dollars. That’s your “One World Currency”.

All these agendas that we’re seeing with the covid mandates, digital IDs, 15 minute cities, the campaign to get us to fear climate change and eat grasshoppers and bugs, the whole “you’ll own nothing and be happy” nonsense; all of these things are nothing more than an attempt to fine tune and re-model a system that was already rigged and corrupt to begin with. That’s all. The takeover already happened they’re just looking to re-model the very corrupt system that’s been shoved down our throats.

Now we can still say no to these re-modelling attempts (in fact I encourage you to do so). Just realize that the ACTUAL problem is waaaaay deeper than what we’re reading and hearing about. We’re not fighting an “invasion” or “takeover” attempt; we’re fighting ages old human enslavement and mind manipulation. And we can’t possibly hope to win until we, at the VERY LEAST, change our mindsets. Deprogram ourselves from lifelong belief systems that we’ve been conditioned to believe has any legitimacy, like the belief in government for example (one of many examples).

Sorry to say this but WE are creating our own suffering by violating the very Cosmic Laws of Nature I mentioned earlier. We need to learn to follow Natural Law or Cosmic Law, otherwise nothing is going to change (except maybe the names and faces of people we dislike, however the same problems will persist).

“Why are the people starving? Because their grain is being eaten up by taxes. Why are the people rebellious? Because those above them meddle in their lives.” — Lao Tzu, Verse 75 of the Tao Te Ching

Change starts with you. If you want more Freedom, Liberty, Peace, and Harmony in your life you can start by living by those principles. Give yourself and others in your personal life the same Freedom and Liberty you want government and other people to give you. Start promoting the very Peace and Harmony you want to experience. Adopt a mindset that aligns with Natural Law. Don’t just wait for positive change to happen, create them yourself. And the best place to start just happens to be your own personal life. Promote and live by the very principles you want to see in others. You’ll eventually inspire someone to want to do the same and things can grow from there.

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